Thursday, December 04, 2008

End of Tour

Yesterday I left my site as I have completed my tour. It
is always a bitter sweet time, nostalgic and dreaded.

Despite the initial hardships of integrating, 
new language and adapting to different customs, it
is those challenges that have made this experience a rich one.

I must say at this time that I prefer the way that people
left while I was in Senegal. Those who were leaving usually
would get away around 4 or 5 in the morning. I did this
and it was easier as I walked out alone with my thoughts.

But here in Romania people like to say goodbye ... which is
really great but ... it is also very emotional. Saying goodbye
to the friends I have made and shared so much with over
the last 2 and a half years is difficult. I have a lot of good
memories from my time here and they are the reason why.

As I have mentioned in other blog articles, for me it is not
the end. It is said as one door closes another one opens.
In my case the door on Romania is just about shut.

So as this door closes the thoughts of a new one opening
is ever present. With a new open door comes visions of
meeting new friends and encountering new challenges. It
will seem that in no time the call of Africa and Namibia
will be answered.

I would like to thank the people who came to this blog
over the last few years. As mentioned the Namibian blog
will begin in earnest sometime around the beginning of
March. Hope that you'll consider spending the next
few years reading about some of the new adventures.

Befitting an end I thought it appropriate that
I should post a picture of a Romanian sunset.



Anonymous said...

i love you uncle paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Call me when you get to USA ..


Pat Owen said...

Hey Paul, I've been following your blog and wishing you well. Pat aka Mariama

Unknown said...

Hellloo where are you?