just celebrate life. It was quite an event, there
had to have been around 4,000 people or more.
They had some really great cultural dancers
and musicians playing from as far away as
Slovakia. Nadlac is approximately 49%
people of Slovakian descent and they have
kept many of their customs. They were Slovakian
dance troupes from Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia
and of course, Romania.
There were also Bulgarian dancers from a
town in Romania that is majority Bulgarian.
They were excellent and their music was
quite something and somewhat unique. It
was told to me that the root of that music
is based from Turkey.
As you can see in the first picture that

there was a lot to see. That is a
Slovakian dance troupe from
Hungary. It is a crazy thing to
think that the traditional
Slovakian dance troupe
champions for 2006 are
right here from Nadlac. They
even beat out the dancers
from Slovakia. But unfortunately I
ran out of batteries for my camera and didn’t
get a chance to take a picture of them. After
seeing their performance I have to admit that
they are truly phenomenal.
The second picture is of a Rroma (politically
correct term for ’Gypsy’) young kids dance
group. They are also from Hungary and that
is a pretty easy place to come from
seeing as Nadlac center is about

¾ of a mile from the Hungarian
We also had a group of Rroma kid
dancers from Nadlac but like the
Slovakian dancers they came on
after the batteries ran out. But
they were even more colorful
than the kids in this picture.
They also drove my friend nuts as
she is the neighbor to the house where
the kids practiced to about 4:30 a.m.
with the music blasting.
I do have to say that this was a great time as
there were a lot of people who returned to
Nadlac to celebrate. There was a lot of beer and
a lot of people were happy but there wasn’t any
trouble. It was nice being able to go to a festival
and not worry about some form of violence. Also,
the events went on from 3 each afternoon till 5
in the morning.
It all ended in a fireworks show that was
actually pretty nice.
I did notice one thing, that this Monday morning
there were a lot less people running around town
than what one usually sees. I am sure a few of
them are suffering from what we call here
‘capul mare’… which translates in English
as ‘a big head’.
1 comment:
Sounds like a great festival!!! What is the rate for violence there in Nadlac??? It brings to mind a festival held here, earlier this summer, where there was a small riot between a group of teens and the police. From what I understand the next big festival, also a cultural event, had to hire double the police they normally do. What a difference from what you experienced. It must be quite pleasant to just enjoy the festivities without having to watch what's happening in the crowd!!!
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