days are getting longer and warmer. The bulbs in my back
yard are flowering. There are tulips …

and daffodils …

My friends, the ducks, who are also in my backyard are
learning to play catch.

Everyday I give them some bread and they are, by now,
pretty much spoiled. But seeing as the 2007 baseball season
began yesterday, I thought that it would be good to teach
the ducks to catch the bread instead of eating off the ground.
They’re getting good, they are three of them that are naturals
and the others are coming along.
Also as they say … in the spring a young man’s fancy turns
to love and it looks like it might hold true for ducks too. While
I was taking the pictures a couple of them decided to get frisky.
That was the first time I took pictures of them and it is kind of
funny that they decided to prove that in spring, love is in the air.

This last winter was the first winter that Nădlac did not
receive snow. I asked many elderly people if they could
remember another winter without the white stuff … and
they couldn’t.
So even though I didn’t get the opportunity to experience
an official Romanian winter it looks like I am getting the
chance to see a real spring.
So far it looks like Nădlac is going to be a beautiful place.